IVF #2 A new start

I went back to see my doctor to talk about embarking on the next cycle of IVF. To my surprise, the minute I walked through the door my doctor asked me how I felt about being referred to another specialist – the same one who had done my last FET, and the doctor we were hoping to see.

The new doctor was the head doctor at the clinic and apparently my case was different enough to warrant the switch to the ‘special’ specialist. I was pleased with this. Before leaving, I was sent out with forms for more blood tests – genetic testing to be completed to see if there was a reason so many of our embryos died.

I had the tests done while still at the hospital, eager to move onto the next step with the new doctor. Things were all looking very positive.

So our appointment with the new doctor came along, he changed the IVF medication protocol that I was on, had the ‘fat’ talk with me and left me feeling like this guy really knew what he was doing, and that this cycle would surely be successful.

But then we hit a little bit of a hurdle. Well, more like the Mount Everest of Hurdles. And it all started with a phonecall.

Posted on March 1, 2014, in 2014 - The year of living uncomfortably and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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